¡No te duermas! ¿Sueño en el camino? Sencillos tips para evitarlo.

All we had to drive long distances, either for a holiday or for work. Fatigue, resulting in sleep , can cause are not in the best condition to be behind the wheel. It is necessary to be alert in the way , for this reason dear friends we show simple tips to make your trip elapsed without any inconvenience.

1. Consume foods and drinks to keep you alert. This can increase your alertness for a reasonable time when driving. Suck or chew an apple, an orange or a lemon to keep your taste buds awake.

2.Consume the drinks slowly. The coffee in particular works well because it contains caffeine, which can keep you awake (but read the note below). Also, the frequent stops for bathroom will help you keep your mind alert to the next rest!

3. Chew gum to keep your mouth busy. This will stop yawning, which will not feel like dozing. Just make sure you keep chewing, even if your mouth gets tired of doing it. This is the trick of chewing gum used by truck drivers and works great!

4. Do something that involves the use of more than one sense. For example, chewing ice cubes or eat sunflower seeds works well because the chewing action keeps you busy while watching the road.

  • Ice works well for some people. Mastics not need to ice. It also works well for meetings of the afternoon.

5. Lower the temperature of the car. Make sure the temperature is a bit cooler than it is normally, but not as cold as your body and your brain need to remain hot enough to function well. Adjust fans to blow towards your face.

6. Wipe your face and neck with a damp cloth. This is very refreshing.

7. Sing with radio or talk to someone in the car. Avoid talking on cell phones, as it is dangerous and illegal (in many parts of the world). Sing or talk will keep you active and let you drive without interruption.

8. During the night, turn on the interior light. The darkness makes your body produce melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleep much faster than fatigue. Be cautious and turns on the light before you get tired, if possible, because once you have melatonin in your system, it will be difficult to return to a waking state without taking a nap for 15 minutes.


  • On long trips, where the probability of sleep is high, it may be better to stop driving for the remainder of the day. A room for $ 60 at a roadside motel is not cheap, but better than to risk an accident.
  • It is best not to drive while you’re sleepy. The depletion affects your senses and can cause fatal accidents.
  • If possible, stop in a safe place and take a nap. Driving while you’re sleepy is more dangerous than driving while intoxicated.

We hope this information will be of help, when we make long journeys is important to be aware, these simple tips will help you take care on roads. ')}